What we do

Fianarana enables motivated young people in need to study at university and help them start their careers.

Realisation of a preparatory year

From our own interim evaluation in June 2023, we have learnt that young people have major educational deficits in their previous school education after graduating from local high schools. 94% of the beneficiaries at the time had an A1 level in French, Madagascar's second official language. This is particularly problematic as only French is spoken at universities and in the professional world in Madagascar. In order to increase the impact of Fianarana, we are now introducing a preparatory year in Fihaonana before the start of the studies, during which we can get to know each other. This is repeated annually with each new project round and takes place during the day from Monday to Saturday. An intensive French course is held four days a week, with a further day dedicated to career counselling, personal development, preparation for university and the acquisition of basic IT skills. On the sixth day, the beneficiaries work free of charge on our neighbouring organic farm, where we produce food for them as part of our Sakafo project. They also continue to live with their families in the neighbouring sub-communities.

An additional advantage of this output is the two-stage selection process. Before the preparatory year, 25 young people are carefully selected on the basis of an application including a letter of motivation, entrance examination, interview and home visit. Participation in the preparatory year is not a guarantee of promotion. During or at the end of this year, a second selection process takes place in which the intermediate and final grades from the preparatory year, social behaviour, motivation as well as career and life goals are reassessed. We assume that at least 20 beneficiaries will start their studies. We will adjust the budget to the correct number of students as soon as we know the final number.


Career counselling

Knowledge about the various professions, career opportunities and fields of study is very limited in Fihaonana. As part of the preparatory year, our qualified social worker Nomena Ramarozatovo informs the potential beneficiaries about these options. She also organises active taster days and visits to career-specific exhibitions. Individual career counselling is then carried out and suitable universities are selected. Fianarana is a quality project and obliges the beneficiaries to choose one of the best universities in their field of specialisation.


Strengthening personal development

Having the confidence in yourself to express your own opinions, interests or visions is essential - in career counselling as well as in later professional life. In our experience, many young people at Fihaonana have a lack of self-esteem, which we help to address, especially during the preparatory year, with the help of a qualified external coach.


Assumption of study and living costs

After the preparatory year, the beneficiaries in need benefit from 100% coverage of all relevant study and living costs for the Bachelor's degree course. In the event of a repeat year or a stop in support, the young adults and their families have to pay for this in instalments.

  • Studies: enrolment, semester and examination fees, school bags, uniforms, etc.
  • Tutoring: French, English, IT, Management, Law, etc.
  • Additional needs: clothes, health insurance, health costs, etc.
  • Housing: rent, utilities, furniture, etc.
  • Food
  • Bus rides (public transport)

Management of shared accommodations

Daily commuting between the village community of Fihaonana and the capital Antananarivo, 60 kilometres to the south, where the universities are located, is not possible due to the poor infrastructure. As a result, the beneficiaries live in segregated shared flats in Antananarivo, which we organise. As there are often only rooms available for subletting in the metropolis instead of rentable flats and these are relatively expensive, it has proven to be a good idea to rent simple family houses with up to four residents per room and twelve residents per house. From a financial and organisational point of view, these are more efficient than smaller shared flats.

During office hours, when our project staff and fundraiser are working, the flats and houses are empty. We therefore also use certain shared flats in this project for our work on site and do not need to rent external premises. Tutoring courses are also held in the shared flats.


Organisation of tutoring services

During the studies, we remedy educational deficits in the following subjects by organising needs-based tutoring and providing books from our in-house library:

  • French
  • English
  • IT, Management, Law, etc.

Support from social worker and carer

At Fianarana, we attach great importance to a close relation with the beneficiaries. The qualified social worker and Co-Leader of Projects Nomena Ramarozatovo is supported by our carer Manitra. The latter visits the young adults in their shared flats at least once a week to ensure their well-being, reimburse costs, distribute food and cooking plans and maintain personal contact.


Involvement of parents

The parents or custodians are actively involved in the project and have to make their own contribution by paying for the rice for lunch during the preparatory year and then providing their children with rice themselves for the first five months after the regular rice harvest each year during their studies. They also help with the rice planting in our fields. In addition, the parents form a joint parents' council. They communicate their interests to us via self-appointed representatives with whom we are in active contact. We also meet all parents in person at quarterly intervals to discuss important news and ideas for improvement with them.


Production of organic food

Food is one of the most expensive items in the study and living costs. We are increasing Fianarana's cost efficiency with the help of a 44'500 square metre organic farm in Fihaonana, which is owned by CHANGING. We produce the following food on this farm and supply it to our students.

  • Rice
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, onions, beans, peas, carrots, etc.
  • Fruits: bananas, avocados, strawberries, guavas, oranges, physalis, etc.
  • Fish: Tilapia and "Madagascan fish"
  • Meat and eggs: sheep, chicken, duck and rabbit meat as well as chicken eggs

Data collection

We collect data and conduct our own surveys, which help us in particular to analyse our impact. We are currently still working on measuring the social return on investment (SROI) - the social added value of Fianarana.


Organisation of job application training courses

In order to support the beneficiaries in their job search, they receive professional job application training in due course, including learning how to write a good application and conduct a convincing job interview.


Promotion of professional independence

In order for future agricultural engineers or tour guides, for example, to realise their full potential, self-employment can be meaningful and effective. We will support committed beneficiaries with separate measures to help them become self-employed.